Mesures de restrictions de la consommation de pétrole (Londres, 7 novembre 1956)

Dans le contexte de la crise de Suez, le ministère britannique des Combustibles et de l'Énergie annonce le 7 novembre 1956 des mesures de restriction de la consommation de pétrole.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Great Britain. Ministry of Fuel and Power. [Letter from the Ministry of Fuel and power . Economies in oil consumption (7 November 1956)]. 07-11-1956. Aufbewahrt in: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). POWE - Records created or inherited by the Ministry of Power, and of related bodies, POWE 33 - Ministry of Technology, Petroleum Division, and Predecessors: Correspondence and Papers. Suez Crisis 1956: restriction on use of petroleum products, POWE 33/2213.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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