Letter from Pierre Pflimlin to Paul Struye on the proposal for a resolution put forward on 9 February 1961 by British delegate Sir Peter Michael Kirk and several of his colleagues (20 September 1963)

Letter dated 20 September 1963 from Pierre Pflimlin, President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, to Paul Struye, Chairman of the Political Committee of the Council of Europe, on the situation in Spain. This letter refers to the proposal for a resolution put forward on 9 February 1961 by British delegate Sir Peter Michael Kirk and several of his colleagues. An extract from the report of the ninth plenary session of the fifteenth period of the ordinary session of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe is enclosed. In this letter, Pierre Pflimlin informs Paul Struye, via Karl Czernetz, that the socialist group has notified the Consultative Assembly that it wants the Political Committee to specify why this Assembly does not deem it necessary to adopt measures on the resolution proposed by Sir Peter Michael Kirk on the situation in Spain, given that it is not possible to lose sight of ‘the crimes of a brutal military dictatorship’.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Council of Europe. Consultative Assembly. Political Committee. The situation in Spain, Letter from Pierre Pflimlin to Paul Struye on the proposal for a resolution put forward on 9 February 1961 by British delegate Sir Peter Michael Kirk and several of his colleagues. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 20.09.1963.

Copyright: (c) Conseil de l'Europe

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