Jean Monnet


Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: CVCE.

Photo: Curriculum Vitae Jean Monnet. Lambiotte, Christian. Commission européenne. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: (c) Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
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Photo: (c) European Union

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Jean Monnet
Date and place of birth
09/11/1888 in Cognac (France)
Date and place of death
16/03/1979 in Houjarray (France)
Offices held
Deputy Secretary-General of the League of Nations (1919–1923)
Member of the British Supply Council, Washington (provision of civil and military goods for the war effort) (1940–1943)
Commissioner-General of the French National Planning Board (1947–1952)
Advocate of a ‘coal and steel pool’ (1950)
President of the ECSC High Authority (1952–1955)
Founder of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe (1955–1975)