Interview with Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb (Sanem, 2 June 2010) — Excerpt: the impact of decolonisation on European integration and relations with Mediterranean countries

In this interview excerpt, Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb, Chairman of the European Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperation (MEDEA) from 2001 to 2007 and currently Vice-President of the European Movement International, a post he has held for several years, gives his thoughts on the impact of decolonisation on European integration and on the European Union’s relations with Mediterranean countries.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Interview de Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb / CHARLES-FERDINAND NOTHOMB, Hervé Bribosia, prise de vue : Nicolas Donnerup.- Sanem: CVCE [Prod.], 02.06.2010. CVCE, Sanem. - FILM (00:10:41, Couleur, Son original).

Copyright: (c) CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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