Draft reply by the United Kingdom delegation to the WEU Council to written question 220 by Sir Frederic Bennett on the Camp David agreements and the settlement of the Middle East conflict (London, 27 August 1980)

On 27 August 1980, the Secretary-General of Western European Union (WEU) circulates the draft reply by the British delegation to the WEU Council to the question by Sir Frederic Bennett, a British member of the Assembly, on the contribution of the Camp David agreements to the settlement of the Middle East conflict. The Council believes that these agreements represent an achievement that must be built on. It also considers that, in the context of an overall settlement, an agreement on full autonomy for the West Bank and the Gaza Strip that could be accepted and implemented by the Palestinians could serve as a useful interim stage towards full self-determination for this people.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Council of the Western European Union. Secretary-General’s note. Written Question 220 put to the Council by a member of the Assembly. London: 27.08.1980. WPM (80) 27. 2 p.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux).http://www.anlux.lu. Western European Union Archives. Secretariat-General/Council's Archives. 1954-1987. Organs of the Western European Union. Year: 1980, 01/11/1980-05/05/1981. File 202.413.999.12. Volume 1/1 .

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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