Cartoon by Wiaz on the revival of a unified Germany (16 November 1989)

‘Honestly, you’ve got nothing to worry about …’ On 16 November 1989, one week after the fall of the Berlin Wall, French cartoonist Wiazemsky, known as ‘Wiaz’, illustrates the concerns of Germany’s European partners at the possible return of a unified Germany to the international stage. From left to right: British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and French President François Mitterrand hardly seem reassured by the words of Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl, whose depiction as a giant illustrates fears of a revival of German hegemony in Europe.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: WIAZ (Pierre Wiazemsky). "Je vous assure, vous n'avez pas à vous inquiéter." dans Le Nouvel Observateur 16-22.11.1989, p.92.

Copyright: (c) Wiaz

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Cartoon by Wiaz on the revival of a unified Germany (16 November 1989)