Cartoon by Tim on German unification (24 March 1990)

On 24 March 1990, as the process of German unification takes place, French cartoonist Tim (Louis Mitelberg) paints an ironic picture of the return of the new German power to the international stage. For German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, in ‘1990, Germany lost the war but won peace’. The French cartoonist draws a parallel with the famous proclamation by General de Gaulle displayed on the walls of London in August 1940 during the Second World War: ‘France has lost a battle, but [France] has not lost the war’.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: TIM (Louis Mitelberg). "1940 La France a perdu une bataille mais elle n’a pas perdu la guerre.1990 L'Allemagne a perdu la guerre mais elle a gagné la paix" dans Le Monde. Paris: Le Monde. 24.03.1990, n°14045, p.2.

Copyright: (c) Mitelberg, Adagp

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Cartoon by Tim on German unification (24 March 1990)