Cartoon by Plantu on the consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall (9 December 1989)

‘Helmut! Can we start? I’m coming, I’m coming!’ On 9 December 1989, as the European Council meets in Strasbourg, French cartoonist Plantu offers an ironic take on the trial of strength between French President François Mitterrand and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (on the right), who seems more concerned with German reunification than with speeding up progress towards European Economic and Monetary Union.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: PLANTU. "Helmut! On peut commencer? J'arrive, j'arrive!" dans Le Monde. Paris: Le Monde. 09.12.1989, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Plantu

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Cartoon by Plantu on the consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall (9 December 1989)