Cartoon by Pancho on François Mitterrand and the fears regarding German unification (8 December 1989)

On 8 December 1989, cartoonist Pancho illustrates the fears of French President François Mitterrand at the prospect of a unified Germany in Europe, and paints an ironic picture of how France and the Soviet Union have become closer. Two days earlier, on 6 December, the French President went to Kiev to meet Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and discuss the question of German unification. During this meeting, the two men expressed their concerns at the German unification process. The image shows François Mitterrand (centre) holding the hand of Mikhail Gorbachev (on the left). Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl (on the right) speculates on France’s attitude.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: PANCHO (Francisco Graells). Le Monde. Paris: Le Monde. 08.12.1989, p.2.

Copyright: (c) Pancho

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Cartoon by Pancho on François Mitterrand and the fears regarding German unification (8 December 1989)