Cartoon by Leger on the Franco-German duo and the consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall (17 November 1989)

On 17 November 1989, following the fall of the Berlin Wall, German cartoonist Peter Leger illustrates French concerns at the question of German unification. For President Mitterrand (shown wearing a Phrygian cap), the unity of a divided Germany is conditioned by European unification and the strengthening of the Community institutions. He intends to secure guarantees from Chancellor Kohl (wearing the cap of little ‘German Michel’), since the aim is to establish a reunified Germany with democratic institutions, integrated into the European Community. Chancellor Kohl answers these concerns by affirming that German and European unity are two sides of the same coin.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: LEGER, Peter. Süddeutsche Zeitung Münchner Neueste Nachrichten aus Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Sport. München: Süddeutscher Verlag GmbH. 17.11.1989, p.4.

Copyright: (c) Peter Leger (Karikaturist), Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

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Cartoon by Leger on the Franco-German duo and the consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall (17 November 1989)