Cartoon by Hanel on the influence of the Franco-German duo at the Fontainebleau European Council (1984)

‘The new European beat.’ As the Fontainebleau European Council takes place on 25 and 26 June 1984, the German cartoonist, Walter Hanel, portrays the influence of François Mitterrand, President of the French Republic and President-in-Office of the European Council, and of Helmut Kohl, German Chancellor, in resolving the budgetary problem and in reviving the debate on an institutional reform of the European Communities.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: HANEL, Walter. Europa: Politische Karikaturen von Walter Hanel. ACKERMANN, Josef; ARNDT, Karl (Hrsg.). Göttingen: Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar der Universität Göttingen, 1993. 98 S.

Copyright: (c) Hanel

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Cartoon by Hanel on the influence of the Franco-German duo at the Fontainebleau European Council (1984)