Cartoon by Haitzinger on the possibility of a negative outcome in the referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty (27 April 2005)

‘A spectre hangs over Europe …’ On 27 April 2005, German cartoonist Horst Haitzinger illustrates how the spectre of a ‘no’ vote in the referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty is haunting the Franco-German duo. From left to right, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and French President Jacques Chirac.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: HAITZINGER, HORST. "Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa." dans Badische Zeitung. 27.04.2005, p.4.

Copyright: (c) Horst Haitzinger

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Cartoon by Haitzinger on the possibility of a negative outcome in the referendum on the European Constitutional Treaty (27 April 2005)