António Vitorino


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Quelle: CVCE.

Photo: Interview d'António Vitorino. Lisbonne: CVCE, 24.10.2007. Couleur.

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Dieses Dokument ist ebenfalls abrufbar unter…

António Vitorino
Date and place of birth
12/01/1957 in Lisbon (Portugal)
Offices held
Member of the Joint European Parliament/Portuguese Parliament Committee on European Integration (1980–1984)
State Secretary for Parliamentary Affairs (1984–1985)
State Secretary for Administration and Justice of the Macao Government (1986–1987)
Judge at the Portuguese Constitutional Court (1989–1994)
Member of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament (1994–1995)
Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister (1995–1997)
Member of the European Commission with special responsibility for Justice and Home Affairs (1999–2004)
Representative of the European Commission in the European Convention and member of the Praesidium (2002–2003)
Participant in the work of the IGC in his capacity as representative of the European Commission (2003–2004)
Special Adviser to the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the IGC (2007)