Amendment proposed by the French delegation to the draft reply to written question 206 on Afghanistan (26 March 1980)

On 26 March 1980, the French delegation to the Council of Western European Union (WEU) proposes an amendment to the third and fourth sentences of the draft reply to written question 206 on the situation in Afghanistan. The amendment suggests referring to the communiqué issued after the meeting of the Nine on 19 February 1980, at which the foreign ministers took the view that the crisis could be overcome by an arrangement which allowed a neutral Afghanistan to be outside competition among the powers.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Council of the Western European Union. Draft reply to written question 206. Amendment proposed by the French delegation. 26.03.1980. FL (80) 3. 1 p.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). Western European Union Archives. Secretariat-General/Council's Archives. 1954-1987. Organs of the Western European Union. Year: 1979, 01/11/1979-30/04/1980. File 202.413.999.11. Volume 1/1 .

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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