Address given by Paul-Henri Spaak: the need for European solidarity (Luxembourg, 13 March 1948)

On 13 March 1948, in Luxembourg, Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, delivers an address during which he describes cooperation between European States as the best means of countering the Soviet threat.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Conférence sur la politique internationale / Paul-Henri Spaak.- Luxembourg: CLT-UFA [Prod.], 13.03.1948. CLT-UFA, Luxembourg. - (12:43, Montage, Son original).
CLT-UFA, 45, Boulevard Pierre Frieden, L-1543 Luxembourg.

Photo: Le Conseil de l'Europe a commencé hier ses travaux à Strasbourg. Strasbourg: Keystone, 9/08/1949. Noir et blanc.

Copyright: (c) CLT/UFA

Photo: (c) Keystone
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Council of Europe meeting -Paul-Henri Spaak (Strasbourg, 10 August 1949)