GOUZY (Jean-Pierre)

- Born on 3 January 1925 in Antananarivo (Madagascar), died on 17 February 2017 in Paris (F)
- Nationality: French
- Professional journalist (since 1946)
- Member of the Executive of the French Movement for the United States of Europe (1947‒1948) and the French Union of Federalists (1949‒1950)
- Delegate at the Congress of Europe in The Hague (1948)
- Secretary-General then President of the European Federalist Movement in France (1952‒1973)
- Member of the Federal Committee of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) (1953‒2002)
- Vice-President of the UEF (1958‒1959)
- Deputy General Secretary then General Secretary of the Centre International de Formation Européenne (International Centre for European Training - CIFE) (1954‒1982)
- Vice-President of the CIFE (1983-2017)
- Vice-President of the Maison de l'Europe in Paris (1978-2017)
- Professor at the Institut Européen des Hautes Études Internationales (European Institute of High International Studies), Nice (1960‒1990)
- Professor at the Centre d'Études Diplomatiques et Stratégiques (Centre for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies), Paris (1990‒1997)