DAVIGNON (Étienne)

‒ Born on 4 October 1932 in Budapest, Hungary
‒ Nationality: Belgian
‒ Doctor of Law
‒ Joins the Belgian Foreign Ministry (1959)
‒ Attaché in the Cabinet of the Belgian Foreign Ministry (1961‒1963)
‒ Deputy Head of Cabinet of Paul-Henri Spaak, Belgian Foreign Minister (1963‒1964)
‒ Head of Cabinet of Belgian Foreign Ministers Paul-Henri Spaak (1964‒1966) and Pierre Harmel (1966‒1969)
‒ Director-General for Policy in the Belgian Foreign Ministry (1969‒1976)
‒ Author of a report on the problems of political unification in Europe (Davignon Report) (1970)
‒ Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency (1974‒1977)
‒ Member of the Commission of the European Communities with special responsibility for the Internal Market and Industrial Affairs, the Customs Union, the Information Market and Innovation, Energy, the Euratom Supply Agency and International Nuclear Relations (1977‒1981)
‒ Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities with special responsibility for Industrial Affairs, Energy, the Euratom Supply Agency, Research and Science and the Joint Research Centre (1981‒1985)
‒ Chairman of the Royal Institute of International Relations (since 1987)
‒ Chairman of Société Générale de Belgique (1989‒2001)
‒ Vice-Chairman of Suez-Tractebel (since 2003)