German note dated 3 March 1970 on the appointment of a chairman of the ad hoc group tasked with the drafting of a plan by stages for economic and monetary union. The German Finance Minister expresses reservations at the Belgian proposal to appoint Pierre Werner as chairman of the group.
On 4 March 1970, the Commission of the European Communities submits a communication to the Council on the principles that should be taken into consideration for the establishment of a plan in stages for economic and monetary union.
On 4 March 1970, Constant Schuurmans, Belgian Ambassador to Bonn, forwards to Karl Schiller, German Minister for the Economy, the decisions that Baron Snoy et d’Oppuers, in his capacity as President-in-Office of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities, would like to submit to the Council of Finance Ministers. These include a proposal for the establishment of an ad hoc group, chaired by Pierre Werner and tasked with devising a plan by stages for the creation of an economic and monetary union.
German note dated 5 March 1970 on the appointment of a chairman of the ad hoc group tasked with the drafting of a plan by stages for economic and monetary union. The German Finance Minister expresses reservations at the Belgian proposal to appoint Pierre Werner as chairman of the group.
On 6 March 1970, in accordance with the commitments made by the Heads of State or Government of the Six following the December 1969 European Summit in The Hague, the Council adopts a Decision, in Brussels, on the establishment of an international group of experts — to be chaired by the Luxembourg Prime Minister, Pierre Werner — instructed to draw up a report on the establishment of economic and monetary union.
Table listing the members of the Werner Group, a body instructed to draw up a report on the gradual establishment of economic and monetary union in the European Community.
In this interview excerpt, Hans Tietmeyer, President of the Bundesbank from 1993 to 1999, head of division responsible for issues relating to economic policy and the economic order in the Ministry of Economics from 1967 to 1970 and former alternate member of the Werner Committee, recalls the circumstances surrounding the appointment in 1970 of Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Minister of State and Prime Minister from 1959 to 1974 and from 1979 to 1984, as chairman of the committee tasked with drafting a report on the establishment by stages of an economic and monetary union in the Community, known as the ‘Werner Report’ or the ‘Werner Plan’.
In preparation for the preliminary meeting of the Werner Committee on 11 March 1970, the chairman of the working group, Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Minister of State, speculates on the establishment of an economic and monetary union and draws up a comparison between the different plans put forward, particularly the Schiller Plan (the German plan) and the Snoy Plan (the Belgian plan).
Documentation dating from 29 January 1970 used by the experts in the Werner Committee for the drafting of a plan by stages for an economic and monetary union.
On 27 February 1970, the Commission of the European Communities sets out some guidelines on the development of a plan by stages for an economic and monetary union.
On 16 March 1970, Georges Morelli, Secretary of the Werner Committee, sends an invitation to the group’s members to attend the first meeting, to be held on 20 March 1970 and chaired by Pierre Werner, Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Luxembourg.
On 23 March 1970, Hans Tietmeyer, an official in the German Ministry of the Economy and alternate member of the Werner Group, drafts an internal report on the first meeting of the Werner Group, which was held on 20 March 1970 in Luxembourg.
Working documents from the second meeting of the Werner Group on 7 April 1970 in Brussels, including a letter of invitation, an agenda and the minutes of the first meeting, held on 20 March 1970 in Luxembourg.
Working documents from the third meeting of the Werner Group on 30 April 1970 in Rome, including a letter of invitation, an agenda and the minutes of the second meeting, held on 7 April 1970 in Brussels.
Working documents from the fourth meeting of the Werner Group on 14 May 1970 in Kirchberg, Luxembourg, including a letter of invitation, an agenda and the minutes of the third meeting, held on 30 April 1970 in Rome.
On 20 May 1970, at the fifth meeting of the Werner Committee to discuss the interim report, Pierre Werner drafts a handwritten note as a basis for securing a compromise between the various representatives. In this document, he summarises the points of agreement between the members of the Werner Committee, highlighting some arguments or avenues in which the work could be taken further, and adds his own proposals. These include the irrevocability of parities between the European currencies, which basically amounts to a single Community currency regime with nuances regarding external monetary policy.
On 20 May 1970, at the fifth meeting of the Werner Committee to discuss the interim report, Pierre Werner drafts a handwritten note as a basis for securing a compromise between the various representatives. In this document, he summarises the points of agreement between the members of the Werner Committee, highlighting some arguments or avenues in which the work could be taken further, and adds his own proposals. These include the irrevocability of parities between the European currencies, which basically amounts to a single Community currency regime with nuances regarding external monetary policy.
On 29 May 1970, the European Finance Ministers meet in Venice to debate the interim report on the establishment by stages of an economic and monetary union. This draft summary report shows that the discussions were very lively and often characterised by disagreement.
Statement made by Karl Schiller, German Minister for the Economy, at the Conference of the Economic and Finance Ministers of the European Communities in Venice on 29 and 30 May 1970, concerning the interim report drafted by the ad hoc group.
Notes taken by Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Minister of State, President of the Government and Finance Minister, at the Conference of European Finance Ministers in Venice on 29 and 30 May 1970.
With this note drafted by a member of the German delegation, the Foreign Ministry and Ministry of the Economy of the Federal Republic of Germany are informed in detail of the conclusions of the 35th meeting of EEC Economic and Finance Ministers, held on 29 and 30 May 1970 in Venice to examine the discussions on the interim Werner Report and the areas in which the Werner Committee will be furthering its work in order to draw up a final report.
Thematic proposals by Pierre Werner on the extension of the work of the Werner Group, which has been tasked with drafting a report on the gradual establishment of economic and monetary union in the European Community.
After the Conference of European Finance Ministers in Venice on 29 and 30 May 1970, the Werner Group is required to further its work. Four main focus areas are chosen: the institutional field, the strengthening of the coordination of economic policies, budgetary and monetary policy and the exchange regime.
On 1 June 1970, Hans Tietmeyer, an official in the German Ministry of the Economy and alternate member of the Werner Group, submits a report to Johann-Baptist Schöllhorn, State Secretary in the German Ministry of the Economy, on the conclusions of the Conference of Economic and Finance Ministers held in Venice on 29 and 30 May 1970, at which the ministers debated the plan by stages for an economic and monetary union.
Notes by Pierre Werner in preparation for his address at the EEC Council of Ministers on 8 and 9 June 1970 in Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Minister of State, President of the Government and Finance Minister analyses the interim report on the establishment by stages of an economic and monetary union and emphasises the need to further the work.
Notes by Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Minister of State, President of the Government and Finance Minister, on the meeting of the Council of Ministers held on 8 and 9 June 1970 in Luxembourg.
At its sessions of 8 and 9 June 1970, the Council of the European Communities reaffirms its determination to achieve economic and monetary union and approves the continuation of the work of the Werner Committee on the basis of the interim report.
On 16 June 1970, Baron Hubert Ansiaux, Belgian Chairman of the Committee of Governors of the Central Banks of the EEC Member States, gives a positive reply to Pierre Werner’s request and undertakes to provide an opinion from the Committee of Governors by 15 July on the advisability of harmonising monetary policy instruments and effectively tightening monetary policies in the Member States.
Working documents from the seventh meeting of the Werner Group on 7 July 1970 in Paris, including a letter of invitation, an agenda and the minutes of the sixth meeting, held on 24 June 1970 in Luxembourg.
On 29 July 1970, Hans Tietmeyer, an official in the German Ministry of the Economy and alternate member of the Werner Group, drafts an internal report on the eighth meeting of the Werner Group, which was held on 27 July 1970 in Luxembourg.
Working documents from the ninth meeting of the Werner Group on 10 and 11 September 1970 in Kirchberg, Luxembourg, including a letter of invitation and an agenda.
Working documents from the tenth meeting of the Werner Group on 23 and 24 September 1970 in Copenhagen, including a letter of invitation, an agenda and the minutes of the ninth meeting, held on 10 and 11 September 1970 in Kirchberg, Luxembourg.
Working documents from the eleventh meeting of the Werner Group on 7 October 1970 in Kirchberg, Luxembourg, including a letter of invitation, an agenda and the minutes of the tenth meeting, held on 23 and 24 September 1970 in Copenhagen.
In this interview excerpt, Hans Tietmeyer, President of the Bundesbank from 1993 to 1999, head of division responsible for issues relating to economic policy and the economic order in the Ministry of Economics from 1967 to 1970 and former alternate member of the Werner Committee, discusses the work of the committee tasked with drafting a report on the establishment by stages of an economic and monetary union and describes the relationship between committee chairman Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Minister of State and Prime Minister from 1959 to 1974 and from 1979 to 1984, and the other committee members.