Decision of 12 December 1992 taken by common agreement between the representatives of the governments of the Member States on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies and departments of the European Communities.
Protocol annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaties establishing the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community by the Treaty of Amsterdam of 2 October 1997.
Aerial view of the new premises of the Economic and Social Committee and of the Committee of the Regions since 1 July 2004, named the Jacques Delors Building in an official ceremony held on 18 September 2006.
At an official ceremony in September 2006, Anne-Marie Sigmund, outgoing President of the European Economic and Social Committee, and Michel Delebarre, President of the Committee of the Regions, set out the multiple reasons why the building which houses the two institutions is to be renamed the ‘Jacques Delors building’.
The Jean Monnet Building was home to the ECSC Consultative Committee in Luxembourg until it ceased to exist in July 2002. The building also houses some of the departments of the European Commission.