The evolution of a European political community: Value and identity frontiers
Address given by Salvador de Madariaga at the European Conference on Culture (Lausanne, 8 December 1949)
TextOn 8 December 1949, in his opening address at the European Conference on Culture held in Lausanne, the writer and former Spanish diplomat, Salvador de Madariaga, emphasises the need for post-war Europe to unite around the values of freedom and respect for the individual in order for it to gain a better awareness of itself and its culture.
"Die Beschränkung der Souveränität" in Luxemburger Wort (9. August 1952)
TextAm 9. August 1952, kurz nach der Einrichtung der Hohen Behörde der Europäischen Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl (EGKS) in Luxemburg, druckt die Tageszeitung Luxemburger Wort die Rede des ehemaligen luxemburgischen Premierministers Lambert Schaus über die Begrenzung der nationalen Souveränität im Rahmen des Schuman-Plans ab.
Official communiqué adopted by the Heads of State or Government of the Six (Bonn, 18 July 1961)
TextOn 18 July 1961, at a meeting in Bad Godesberg, a suburb of Bonn, the Heads of State or Government of the Six reiterate their determination to continue their efforts to achieve political union in Europe.
Willy Brandt, Frieden und Fortschritt in einem größeren Europa (1971)
TextMit Blick auf die erste Erweiterung der Europäischen Gemeinschaften begrüßt Willy Brandt, Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD), am 22. April 1971 den wichtigen Beitrag, den die stabilen demokratischen Strukturen der beitretenden Staaten zur Einigung Europas und zur Schaffung einer europäischen Friedensordnung leisten.
'On the threshold of a Europe of Ten' from L'Europe en formation
TextIn its issue of July and August 1971, the federalist journal L’Europe en formation looks critically at the operation of the Common Market and reproaches the European Communities for being too abstract in the eyes of European citizens.
‘The "European identity"' from L'Humanité (13 December 1973)
TextOn 13 December 1973, commenting on the Copenhagen European Summit, the French Communist daily newspaper L’Humanité speculates on the future European identity.
Dokument über die europäische Identität (Kopenhagen, 14. Dezember 1973)
TextBei ihrem Gipfeltreffen am 14. und 15. Dezember 1973 in Kopenhagen bekräftigen die Staats- und Regierungschefs der neun Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaften „ihre Absicht, vor Ablauf des Jahrzehnts die Gesamtheit ihrer Beziehungen in eine Europäische Union umzuwandeln“.
Bericht über fünfundzwanzig Jahre Kulturzusammenarbeit in Europa (13. Dezember 1974)
TextAm 13. Dezember 1974 legt der Österreicher Franz Karasek, Vorsitzender des Kultur- und Bildungsausschusses der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates, einen Bericht vor, in dem er die schwachen Ergebnisse der fünfundzwanzigjährigen europäischen kulturellen Zusammenarbeit bedauert.
Statement by Louis de Guiringaud (Paris, 31 May 1977)
TextOn 31 May 1977, Louis de Guiringaud, French Foreign Minister, explains to the Senate the complexity of future accession negotiations with the European Communities and argues in favour of a reform of the Community institutions before any further enlargement takes place.
"Europa '92: Die sind alle irre unterwegs" in Der Spiegel (9. Mai 1988)
TextUnter der Bezeichnung "Europa '92" bereiten sich die zwölf Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaft auf einen völlig freien Warenverkehr vor. In seiner Ausgabe vom 9. Mai 1988 analysiert das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel die Hindernisse die es zu überwinden gilt.
Commission Opinion on Political Union (21 October 1990)
TextIn its Opinion of 21 October 1990, the European Commission advocates a single Community that will encompass the Community policies and European Political Cooperation (EPC), making them subject to the same institutions and to the same decision-making procedures.
Report of the EP Committee on Institutional Affairs on the Constitution of the European Union (9 February 1994)
TextOn 9 February 1994, Fernand Herman, on behalf of the Committee on Institutional Affairs for which he is rapporteur, submits a draft Constitution of the European Union to the European Parliament.
European Parliament resolution on the Constitution of the European Union (10 February 1994)
TextIn its resolution of 10 February 1994, the European Parliament ‘notes with satisfaction’ the work of the Committee on Institutional Affairs which has resulted in a draft Constitution for the European Union, as submitted by its rapporteur, Fernand Herman, and annexes the draft to the resolution so that it may be as widely disseminated as possible.
'The brave new world of a Europe without frontiers' from The Guardian (27 March 1995)
TextOn 27 March 1995, the British daily newspaper The Guardian comments on the entry into force of the Schengen Convention of 19 June 1990 in Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.
‘The Convention at national level’ from Human Rights Information Bulletin
TextArticle published in December 2000 in a special edition of the Human Rights Information Bulletin of the Council of Europe to mark the 50th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights. With the help of examples, the article illustrates the influence of case-law concerning the Convention in the different member States of the Council of Europe.
"Hubert Védrine: Antwort auf Joschka Fischer" in Le Monde (11. Juni 2000)
TextAm 11. Juni 2000 antwortet der französische Außenminister Hubert Védrine auf die Vorschläge seines deutschen Amtskollegen Joschka Fischer zur Finalität der Europäischen Union und stellt eigene Überlegungen über die Konzepte der Föderation und der Föderation von Nationalstaaten an.
Jean-Luc Dehaene, Die Aussichten des Konvents
TextAnlässlich einer Pressekonferenz am 27. April 2002 in Brüssel unterstreicht Jean-Luc Dehaene, ehemaliger belgischer Premierminister und Vizepräsident des Europäischen Konvents die Herausforderungen für den Konvent hervor und erläutert die Entscheidung für diese Methode zur Gestaltung der zukünftigen Europäischen Union.
Address given by Bertie Ahern on the European Constitution (12 May 2005)
TextOn 12 May 2005 in Dublin, Bertie Ahern, Irish Prime Minister, delivers an address in which he emphasises the importance of a Constitution for the European Union and stresses his country’s commitment to the European cause.
Final Declaration of the Third Council of Europe Summit (Warsaw, 16 and 17 May 2005)
TextMeeting in Warsaw on 16 and 17 May 2005 for the organisation’s Third Summit, the Heads of State or Government of the member states of the Council of Europe undertake to promote the values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law and to guarantee cultural diversity, security and the fight against discrimination. In the implementation of these core objectives, the complementarity of the Council of Europe and other organisations must be ensured.
Interview with Felipe González from El País (12 June 2005)
TextIn this interview, published on 12 June 2005 in the Spanish daily newspaper El País to mark the 20th anniversary of Spain’s accession to the European Communities, former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe González recalls the feelings of confidence and fear that were created by Spanish accession, analyses the reactions to the European Union’s fifth enlargement and offers some ideas for overcoming the stagnation of the European economic and social model.
Report by Jean-Claude Juncker, Council of Europe — European Union: ‘A sole ambition for the European continent’ (11 April 2006)
TextOn 11 April 2006, Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg Prime Minister, submits to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe a report on relations between the Council of Europe and the European Union. The report, drawn up in a personal capacity at the request of the Heads of State or Government of the 46 member States of the Council of Europe, meeting at the Warsaw Summit on 16 and 17 May 2005, sets out recommendations for the improvement of cooperation and coordination between the two organisations.
Interview with Bronislaw Geremek (Brussels, 11 June 2008) — Excerpt: the question of European identity
VideoIn this interview, Bronislaw Geremek, Polish historian and politician, former member of the social movement Solidarnosc, former Foreign Minister and former Member of the European Parliament, discusses the question of a common identity for all the citizens of Europe.
Interview with Alain Lamassoure: the political identity of the European People’s Party (Paris, 9 September 2008)
VideoIn this interview, Alain Lamassoure, French Minister for European Affairs from 1993 to 1995, Member of the European Parliament from 1989 to 1993 and since 1999, and currently a member of the Political Bureau of the European People's Party (EPP), describes the evolution of the EPP, its identity and its political ideology.
Interview with Willem van Eekelen: the concept of a ‘European Security and Defence Identity’ (The Hague, 1 October 2009)
VideoIn this interview, Willem van Eekelen, Netherlands Minister for Defence from 1986 to 1988 and Secretary-General of Western European Union (WEU) from 1989 to 1994, recalls the origins of the concept of a European Security and Defence Identity (ESDI), first seen in 1991, as well as his own role in the implementation of this concept.