Der Kongress von Montreux
Address given by Henri Genet (Montreux, 27 August 1947)
TextOn 27 August 1947, Henri Genet, the Swiss President of the Central Committee of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), officially opens the Montreux Congress and hopes that this first meeting of federalist activists will result in close cooperation between European countries.
Lecture by Denis de Rougemont (Montreux, 27 August 1947)
TextDuring the Montreux Congress from 27 to 31 August 1947, the Swiss writer, Denis de Rougemont, describes the spiritual foundations of federalism, citing the Helvetic Confederation as a possible model.
Resolution on economic policy (Montreux, 27–31 August 1947)
TextAt the Montreux Congress on 27 August 1947, the Union of European Federalists (UEF) adopts a resolution setting out its position on and its objectives as regards economic policy.
Resolution on general policy (Montreux, 27–31 August 1947)
TextDuring the Montreux Congress from 27 to 31 August 1947, the Union of European Federalists (UEF) adopts a resolution on general policy which sets out the objectives of European federalism.
Address given by Duncan Sandys (Montreux, 27–31 August 1947)
TextDuring the Congress of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) held in Montreux from 27 to 31 August 1947, Duncan Sandys, former British Minister and founder of the United Europe Movement in May 1947, delivers an address on European unification.
Address given by Henri Brugmans (Montreux, 27 to 31 August 1947)
TextAt the first Congress of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) held in Montreux in August 1947, Henri Brugmans gives an address describing the foundations and aims of European federalism.
The division of economic power between the Federal Union and the Member States (Montreux, 27–31 August 1947)
TextMeeting in Montreux in August 1947, the Union of European Federalists (UEF) concentrates on the division of economic power between the Member States and the Federal Union.
Economic prospects of European federalism (Montreux, 27–31 August 1947)
TextMeeting in Montreux in August 1947, activists of the Union of European Federalists (UEF) consider the economic benefits of establishing a European federation in terms of reducing costs and increasing wealth.
"Die Konferenzen von Montreux" in Le Monde (4. September 1947)
TextAm 4. September 1947 kommentiert die französische Tageszeitung Le Monde die Debatten der föderalistischen Bewegungen in Montreux und stellt die unterschiedlichen Ansätze der Weltföderalisten und der Union der europäischen Föderalisten (UEF) dar.
"Treffen der Föderalisten in Montreux" in Fédération (Oktober 1947)
TextDer Franzose André Voisin, der 1944 die europäische Bewegung Fédération ins Leben gerufen hatte, teilt seinen Lesern seine Eindrücke vom Föderalisten-Kongress in Montreux mit.
Denis de Rougemont, Europe is at stake: united or colonised
TextAt the Montreux Congress, the Swiss writer and staunch federalist Denis de Rougemont strongly criticises the scepticism or even the hostility of a swathe of public opinion which, in his view, produces knee-jerk reactions to plans for European unification.