On 13 April 1963, Georges Gorse, French Permanent Representative to the European Communities, sends a letter to Maurice Couve de Murville, French Foreign Minister, describing the procedure adopted by the Commission of the European Economic Community to finalise the association agreement between Greece and the EEC.
On 9 July 1961, Greece and the European Economic Community (EEC) sign an Association Agreement that provides for the possibility of future accession. The Agreement would enter into force on 1 November 1962.
On 9 July 1961, Greece and the European Economic Community (EEC) sign an Association Agreement that provides for the possibility of future accession. At the same time, an agreement on the measures and procedures to be implemented for the application of this Association Agreement is signed.
On 9 July 1961, Greece and the European Economic Community (EEC) sign an Association Agreement that provides for the possibility of future accession. At the same time, an agreement on the financial protocol annexed to this Association Agreement is signed.
Am 9. Juli 1961 unterzeichnet Griechenland in Athen ein Assoziationsabkommen mit der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG). Das Abkommen wird am 1. November1962 in Kraft treten.
On 24 August 1962, the Council of the European Economic Community (EEC) issues a note on the objectives of the Association Agreement between Greece and the EEC.
On 21 April 1967, the coup d’état in Greece brings to power a military junta known as the ‘regime of the Greek colonels’ and led by (from left to right) General Georgios Zoitakis, Regent; Brigadier General Stylianos Pattakos, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior; and Colonel Georgios Papadopoulos, Prime Minister.
On 2 June 1967, the European Parliament condemns the installation of a dictatorial military regime in Greece and calls for the suspension of the Association Agreement between the European Economic Community (EEC) and Greece pending a return to democratic values in the country.
On his return from Athens in September 1974, Cornelis Berkhouwer, President of the European Parliament, gives his impressions of the possible accession of Greece to the European Economic Community (EEC), in the monthly publication 30 jours d'Europe.
En mars 1975, le mensuel français Le Monde diplomatique analyse les difficultés économiques héritées de la dictature militaire auxquelles la Grèce doit faire face dans ses efforts pour réformer son économie.
On 12 June 1975, Konstantinos Karamanlis, Greek Prime Minister, sends Greece’s application for accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) to Garret FitzGerald, President-in-Office of the Council of the European Communities.
On 12 June 1975, Konstantinos Karamanlis, Greek Prime Minister, sends Greece’s application for accession to the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) to Garret FitzGerald, President-in-Office of the Council of the European Communities.
On 12 June 1975, Konstantinos Karamanlis, Greek Prime Minister, sends Greece’s application for accession to the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) to Garret FitzGerald, President-in-Office of the Council of the European Communities.
On 12 June 1975, Stephanos Stathatos, Greek Ambassador to Brussels, presents to Brendan Dillon, Irish Permanent Representative to the European Communities, an official application for Greece's accession to the European Communities, of which Ireland currently holds the rotating presidency.
Am 5. Juni 1975 beantragt Griechenland offiziell den Beitritt zur Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG). Die deutsche Tageszeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung beschreibt die negative Argumente auf die dieser Beitritt stoßen könnte.
On 13 June 1975, French newspaper Le Figaro comments on the official application made by Greece for accession to the European Communities and outlines the difficulties in terms of its agricultural system and budgetary matters.
Am 6. Februar 1976 beschreibt die deutsche Wochenzeitung Die Zeit die Besorgnis der Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften über den wirtschaftlichen Rückstand Griechenlands und über die Finanzkosten des griechischen Beitritts zu den Gemeinschaften.
On 9 February 1976, the Council of the European Communities states that it is in favour of Greece’s application for accession to the European Communities.
On 11 February 1976, the French newspaper Le Figaro comments on Greece's reaction to the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Nine to accept the Greek application to join the European Communities without the requirement of a pre-accession probation period.
On 11 February 1976, the French newspaper Le Monde describes the implications of the Council decision not to impose a pre-accession probationary period on Greece.
Am 16. Februar 1976, zum Beginn der Beitrittsverhandlungen Griechenlands zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften, analysiert die deutsche Wochenzeitung Der Spiegel die Wirtschaftslage Griechenlands.
On 16 February 1976, the Belgian newspaper La Libre Belgique welcomes the positive decision taken by the Nine concerning Greece’s application for accession to the European Communities, while describing the problems raised by this decision, particularly at an institutional and agro-economic level.
On 20 October 1976, Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis explains to the Greek Parliament what the negotiations for accession to the European Communities represent for the country.
On 12 June 1975, Greece requests accession to the European Communities. In November 1976, in the monthly publication 30 jours d'Europe, Laurent Leblond describes the political and economic situation in Greece.
On 5 March 1977, writing in the French daily newspaper Le Nouveau Journal, Xenophon Zolotas, Governor of the Bank of Greece, outlines the reasons behind the Greek application for accession to the European Communities.
The negotiations for Greece’s accession to the European Communities officially began on 27 July 1976. This document, dated March 1977, reviews the situation to date.
In November 1977, the French monthly publication Le Monde Diplomatique analyses the attitude of Greek employers and the Greek State towards the implications of the accession of their country to the European Communities.
In 1978, Gaston Thorn, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, reviews the dangers and opportunities presented by the second enlargement of the European Communities and wonders when and under what conditions the accession of Greece should take place.
Am 22. Dezember 1978 legt die Tageszeitung La Libre Belgique die Vorbereitung auf des Beitrittsgesuch Griechenlands zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften dar und zieht eine erste Bilanz der diplomatischen Verhandlungen.
Dans la revue fédéraliste L'Europe en formation, Georges Contogeorgis, ministre grec chargé des relations avec les Communautés européennes, fait un historique des relations entre la Grèce et les CE et analyse les perspectives d'avenir de son pays au sein de la Communauté.
In its Opinion of 23 May 1979 on the application submitted by Greece for accession to the European Communities, the Commission recalls that the principles of pluralist democracy and respect for human rights form part of the common heritage of the peoples of the States which constitute the European Communities and are therefore essential elements for membership of the said Communities.
On 24 May 1979, the Council of the European Communities decides to accept the application for admission of Greece to the European Economic Community (CEE) and to the European Atomic Energy Community (CEEA).
On 26 May 1979, the French weekly newspaper L’Express analyses the efforts undertaken by Konstantinos Karamanlis, Greek Prime Minister, to prepare his country for accession to the European Community.
Die Unterzeichnung des Beitrittsvertrages (28. Mai 1979)
On 29 May 1979, British daily newspaper The Guardian highlights the advantages of the recent European enlargement and welcomes the efforts made by Greece to accede to the European Communities.
Am 27. Mai 1979 analysiert die spanische Tageszeitung El País die politische Lage in Griechenland vor der Unterzeichnung des Vertrags über den Beitritt des Landes zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften.
On 28 May 1979, as Greece signs its Treaty of Accession to the European Communities, Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis emphasises the historic importance of this day for his country.
On 28 May 1979, in Athens, Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis signs the Treaty of Accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Communities. The photo shows the preparation of the documents a few hours before they are signed.
Le 29 mai 1979, au lendemain de la signature à Athènes des actes relatifs à l'adhésion de la Grèce aux Communautés européennes, le quotidien français Le Monde dresse le portrait du dixième membre des CE.
On 29 May 1979, the day after the signing in Athens of the documents concerning the accession of Greece to the European Communities, the Europe of Ten reflects on its new profile.
In this interview, Jean-Jacques Kasel, Head of the Private Office of the Luxembourg Minister for Foreign Affairs, Gaston Thorn, from 1979 to 1981, emphasises the reservations expressed in some Member States of the European Communities concerning Greece’s application for accession to the European Economic Community (EEC).
Dans la revue fédéraliste L'Europe en formation, Andréas Papandréou, président du parti socialiste grec PASOK, dresse un tableau noir de l'agriculture et de l'économie grecques suite à l'adhésion du pays aux Communautés européennes et demande que le peuple hellénique puisse se prononcer dans un référendum sur cette adhésion.
On 5 December 1979, Jean François-Poncet, French Foreign Minister, emphasises to the National Assembly the historic and economic implications of Greece’s accession to the European Communities.
On 13 April 1976 in a lecture given at the Academy of Athens, the Governor of the Bank of Greece, Xenophon Zolotas, examines the political and economic advantages of Greece joining the European Economic Community (EEC).
En août 1976, le gouverneur de la Banque de Grèce, Xenophon Zolotas, insiste sur les progrès réalisés par l'économie grecque afin de satisfaire aux conditions d'adhésion à la Communauté économqiue européenne (CEE).
In 1980, German cartoonist Hanel illustrates the question of Greece’s accession to the European Communities and emphasises the difficult economic and financial situation in the country.
On 6 July 1977, as negotiations are held on Greece’s accession to the European Communities, British daily newspaper The Guardian analyses the situation of Greek agriculture.
During a speech at the Institute of Banking Studies on 2 June 1978, Xenophon Zolotas, Governor of the Bank of Greece, focuses on the positive contribution Greece would make as part of the European Community.
En octobre 1979, Francois-Xavier Ortoli, vice-président de la Commission des Communautés européennes, explique dans un discours les conditions dans lesquelles il faut placer la perspective de la participation de la Grèce au Système monétaire européen (SME).
Le 10 juillet 1980, le quotidien français Le Monde dresse un tableau de la marine marchande grecque à la veille de l'entrée de la Grèce aux Communautés européennes.
On 17 December 1980, the French daily newspaper Le Nouveau Journal outlines the problems which will arise for the Common Market when Greece accedes to it, particularly because of its economic situation.
In seiner Ausgabe vom 29. Dezember 1980 berichtet das deutsche Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel über die Perspektiven Griechenlands in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft.
Am 31. Dezember 1980, am Vorabend des offiziellen Beitritts Griechenlands zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften, zieht die deutsche Tageszeitung Die Welt eine gemäßigte Bilanz der griechischen Wirtschaftslage.
In his editorial of 10 April 1981, Emanuele Gazzo, Director of Agence Europe, calls for the implementation of a genuine common transport policy now that Greece has acceded to the European Communities.
On 3 January 1981, the day after the accession of Greece to the European Communities, French newspaper Le Monde highlights the advantages of Greek membership for France.
Am 31. Dezember 1980 analysiert die deutsche Tageszeitung Die Welt die an den Beitritt Griechenlands zur Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG) geknüpften Übergangsbestimmungen.
Le 1er janvier 1981, le quotidien français Le Figaro annonce l'entrée officielle de la Grèce au sein des Communautés européennes et évoque les enjeux du nouvel élargissement de l'Europe communautaire.
Am 1. Januar 1981 verkündet RTL in Paris den offiziellen Beitritt Griechenlands zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften. Europa zählt nunmehr nicht mehr neun, sondern zehn Mitglieder.
In its December 1980 issue, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Bulletin analyses future relations between EFTA and Greece after that country joins the European Communities in January 1981.
Am 20. Dezember 1980 betitelt die deutsche Tageszeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung die Probleme die durch den Beitritt Griechenlands an der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft entstehen.
Im Dezember 1980 verleiht die luxemburgische Außenministerin und amtierende Vorsitzende im Rat der Europäischen Gemeinschaften Colette Flesch ihrer Freude über den Beitritt Griechenlands zu den Gemeinschaften zum 1. Januar 1981 Ausdruck.
On 1 January 1981, commenting on Greek accession to the European Economic Community (EEC), the French daily newspaper Le Monde calls for a reform of the Community institutions and the way in which they operate.
Am 1. Januar 1981 verleiht der Präsident der Europäischen Kommission Roy Jenkins of Hillhead in Brüssel seiner Freude über den Beitritt Griechenlands zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften Ausdruck.
Am 1. Januar 1981 verleiht Lorenzo Natali, Vizepräsident der Europäischen Kommission und verantwortlich für Erweiterungsfragen, seiner Freude über den Beitritt Griechenlands zu den Europäischen Gemeinschaften Ausdruck.
Am 1. Januar 1981 tritt Griechenland der Europäischen Gemeinschaft bei. Bei dieser Gelegenheit unterstreicht Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Bundesminister des Auswärtigen, die Bedeutung der Erweiterung der Gemeinschaft nach Süden.
In his editorial of 19–20 October 1981, Emanuele Gazzo, Director of Agence Europe, expresses concern at the consequences that the election victory of the Pasok and the accession to power of Andreas Papandreou might have for Greece’s European Community policy.
Le 31 janvier 1983, le journal français La Vie Française analyse la situation politique en Grèce où le socialiste Andréas Papandréou, mécontent de la situation économique dans laquelle se trouve le pays, se tourne contre le Marché commun.