The Bandung Conference
The Bandung Conference
At the Conference which took place from 17 to 24 April 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia, 29 delegates from African and Asian countries met to affirm their desire for independence and their refusal to align with the world powers. The newly independent African states were trying to support those Third-World countries yet to gain independence in their struggle for emancipation. All those participating in the Conference were agreed in their determination to cooperate and in their opposition to colonialism. They demanded:
— the decolonisation and emancipation of the peoples of Africa and Asia;
— peaceful coexistence and economic development;
— non-interference in internal affairs.
The Conference had a considerable psychological impact. It underlined the fundamental rights of colonised peoples and bore witness to the strength of their resistance to European domination. Feeling that their positions in their overseas territories were increasingly under threat, the European powers would soon have no choice but to turn towards unity and to wonder how best to preserve privileged relations with their colonies.