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Événements historiques
Organisations européennes
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Subject files
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
España y el proceso de construcción europea. Los desafíos de la convergencia
L'Union économique et monétaire: origine, fonctionnement et futur
The ‘Franco-German duo’ and Europe as seen in cartoons (1945–2013)
Pierre Werner and the European integration process: from the Schuman Plan to the Fontainebleau Summit
Multilevel dynamics: The European integration process and the evolution of contemporary European frontiers
Historical events in the European integration process (1945–2009)
1945–1949 The pioneering phase
1950–1954 The formation of the community of Europe
1955–1957 The European revival and the Rome Treaties
1958–1968 Successes and crises
1969–1979 Completion, deepening and widening
1980–1986 Enlargement to the south and the Single European Act
1987–1997 The European Union in a Europe in the throes of change
The single market
The reform of the CAP
Reform of the Community budget:The Delors Packages
Towards Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
The Treaty on European Union
The European Economic Area (EEA)
The fourth enlargement
Jacques Delors steps down and the new Santer Commission takes office
The Treaty of Amsterdam
The end of the Cold War and geopolitical change in Europe
1998–2009 The unification of Europe
European organisations
The post-war European idea and the first European movements (1945–1949)
The first organisations and cooperative ventures in post-war Europe
The organisation of post-war defence in Europe (1948–1954)
From the origins of the Schuman Plan to Europe Day
From the Messina Conference to the Rome Treaties (EEC and EAEC)
The symbols of the European Union
The Cold War (1945–1989)
Decolonisation: geopolitical issues and impact on the European integration process
Geopolitical upheavals in Europe after 1989
1987–1997 The European Union in a Europe in the throes of change