The crises and the relaunch of the EEC
The crises and the relaunch of the EEC
Ideas for a relaunch
Memorandum from the European Movement in the Netherlands (6 February 1961)
TexteOn 6 February 1961, the European Movement in the Netherlands draws up a memorandum outlining the various measures required to revive the European integration process.
‘Outlook for Europe’ from the Süddeutsche Zeitung (2 January 1962)
TexteOn 2 January 1962, the German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung indicates the difficulties in store for the European Economic Community (EEC) and outlines the next stages of European integration.
'A united Europe will be democratic' from the Bulletin de la Communauté économique européenne
TexteIn 1962, in the Bulletin de la Communauté économique européenne, Jean Monnet, former President of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), urges Member States to create a united, democratic and social Europe.
'Spaak wants to revive political union in Europe' from Communauté Européenne (October 1964)
TexteIn 1964, an article published by Communauté européenne sets out various proposals put forward by Paul-Henri Spaak to give fresh impetus to political Europe.
Cartoon by Behrendt on the relaunch of European integration (October 1964)
Image‘A good idea, but too many plans.' In October 1964, the cartoonist Fritz Behrendt shows that the multitude of views on the future of Europe is slowing down the process of European integration.
"L'Italie et le Marché commun" dans Corriere della Sera (11 février 1966)
TexteLe 11 février 1966, le quotidien italien Corriere della Sera souhaite un renforcement de la coopération européenne et rappelle l'engagement de l'Italie dans la construction européenne.