The demands of the European Movement
The demands of the European Movement
The second congress at The Hague (8 to 10 October 1953)
Report on the Common Market (The Hague, 8–10 October 1953)
TexteOn 8 October 1953, at its Hague Congress, the European Movement presents a report on the progress of European economic integration.
Political report by Altiero Spinelli (8–10 October 1953)
TexteAt the closing session of the European Movement’s Congress, held in The Hague from 8 to 10 October 1953, Altiero Spinelli, general delegate from the European Federalist Movement, presents a report on the political future of a united Europe and analyses the links between the Cold War and European unity.
Report on the Institutions of the European Community, by Fernand Dehousse (The Hague, 8–10 October 1953)
TexteAt the European Movement’s second Congress, held in The Hague from 8 to 10 October 1953, Fernand Dehousse, a Belgian Socialist and active member of the Constitutional Committee of the Ad Hoc Assembly responsible for drafting plans for a European Political Community (EPC), presents a detailed report on the nature and operation of the institutions of such a Community.
Political resolution adopted by the European Movement (The Hague, 10 October 1953)
TexteOn 10 October 1953, at its Hague Congress, the European Movement adopts a resolution which calls for the establishment of a European Political Community.
Resolution on the institutions adopted by the European Movement (10 October 1953)
TexteOn 10 October 1953, at its Hague Congress, the European Movement adopts a resolution which calls for the establishment of supranational institutions with a view to guiding the process of European integration.
Resolution on the Economic and Social Council adopted by the European Movement (10 October 1953)
TexteOn 10 October 1953, at its Hague Congress, the European Movement adopts a resolution which calls for a strengthening of the tasks and powers of the Economic and Social Council of the European Community.
Resolution on the Common Market adopted by the European Movement (10 October 1953)
TexteOn 10 October 1953, at its Hague Congress, the European Movement adopts a resolution which emphasises the correlation between European political unity and the success of the European Common Market.
Call by the European Movement (10 October 1953)
TexteOn 10 October 1953, at its Hague Congress, the European Movement makes an impassioned plea for continued efforts to achieve European integration.