WEU’s CRISEX 95/96 exercise (December 1995–December 1996)

CRISEX 95/96, the first exercise of Western European Union (WEU) undertaken in connection with the Petersberg Declaration, seeks to test WEU’s crisis-management mechanisms and procedures. The photo shows a video-conference between the Planning Unit in Brussels and the operation’s multinational HQ in Metz (Metz, Fort de Guise, December 1996).

Source et copyright

Source: Union de l'Europe occidentale - Secrétariat général, Rue de l'Association, 15, 1000 Bruxelles.
Military Staff meeting at a video-conference during Exercise CRISEX. Metz-Guise: Western European Union, 1996. Colour.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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WEU’s CRISEX 95/96 exercise (December 1995–December 1996)