Summit Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (Bonn, 10 June 1982)

On 10 June 1982, at the Summit Meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) held in Bonn, the NATO Secretary General, Joseph Luns, particularly welcomes the accession of the 16th member country, Spain, on 30 May 1982.

Source et copyright

Source: NATO Media Library, Médiathèque de l'OTAN, NB 132, Division de la diplomatie publique, 1110 Bruxelles, Belgique.
Summit meeting of the North Atlantic Council, issuing the Bonn Declaration. Also celebrating the accession of Spain.- Brussels: NATO [Prod.], 10.06.1982. NATO, Brussels. - VIDEO (00:02:46, Couleur, Son original).

Copyright: (c) OTAN-NATO

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