OSCE Summit Declaration (Istanbul, 18 and 19 November 1999)

Meeting in Istanbul on 18 and 19 November 1999, the Heads of State or Government of the participating States of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) welcome the organisation’s ability to develop its operational capabilities quickly and efficiently and undertake to intensify their efforts to prevent conflicts or to resolve them by peaceful means in cooperation with other international organisations and institutions.

Source et copyright

Source: Istanbul Summit, Istanbul Document 1999. [ON-LINE]. [s.l.]: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), [12.10.2005]. PCOFW389. Available on http://www.osce.org/documents/mcs/1999/11/4050_en.pdf.

Copyright: (c) OSCE
All photographs or documents on the OSCE website, unless otherwise stated, are the sole property of the Secretariat of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Government authorities of the participating States may freely reproduce them for usage related to the OSCE. Photographs may not be reproduced for resale purposes or mass publication without the express written consent from the Press and Public Information Section of the OSCE Secretariat.

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