Maurice Couve de Murville
PasseportSource et copyright
Source: CVCE.
Photo: Maurice Couve de Murville à l'Elysée. Paris: Keystone, 1975. Noir et blanc.
Copyright: (c) Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe (CVCE)
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Photo: (c) Keystone
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Ambassador to Rome (1945)
Director-General of Political Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry (1945–1950)
Ambassador to Cairo (1950–1954)
Permanent French Delegate to NATO (1954)
Ambassador to Washington (1955)
Ambassador to Bonn (1956–1958)
Foreign Minister (1958–1968)
Prime Minister (1968–1969)
Member of the French National Assembly, initially for the UDR, subsequently for the RPR (1973–1986)