Letter from Percivale Liesching to Gilbert Laithwaite on the future relations of the Gold Coast with the Commonwealth (Pretoria, 15 December 1955)

On 29 December 1955, the Commonwealth Relations Office publishes a letter from Sir Percivale Liesching, United Kingdom High Commissioner in South Africa, to Sir John Gilbert Laithwaite, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, on the future relations of the Gold Coast with the Commonwealth. He informs him of a conversation he had with the Prime Minister of South Africa, Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom, on the possible admission of the Gold Coast to the Commonwealth.

Source et copyright

Source: LIESCHING, Percivale. The Gold Coast and the Commonwealth membership — Conversation between the United Kingdom High Commissioner and the Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa. Londres: Great Britain. Office of Commonwealth Relations. 15-12-1955. Conservé à: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). DO - Records created or inherited by the Dominions Office, and of the Commonwealth Relations and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, DO 35 - Dominions Office and Commonwealth Relations Office: Original Correspondence. Ghana Department. Gold Coast: candidature for membership of Commonwealth after independence, DO 35/6176.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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