Interview with Egon Bahr (Metz, 10 June 2006) — Excerpt: Germany in the post-war period and the question of rearmament

In this interview, Egon Bahr, a journalist working in Berlin and Bonn from 1945 to 1960, talks about the Berlin Blockade that followed the Second World War as well as the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in 1949. He makes special mention of the difficulties of anchoring, politically and militarily, the FRG in the Western bloc without hazarding any prospects of reunification with the German Democratic Republic (GDR).

Source et copyright

Source: Interview d'Egon Bahr / EGON BAHR, François Klein, prise de vue : François Fabert.- Metz: CVCE [Prod.], 10.06.2006. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (00:15:54, Couleur, Son original).

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