Debate between the candidates for the Presidency of the European Parliament (Brussels, 28 November 2001)

Debate held in Brussels on 28 November 2001 between the candidates for the Presidency of the European Parliament. From left to right: Francis Wurtz (GUE/NLG, F), Gérard Onesta (Verts/ALE, F), David Martin (PSE, UK), Pat Cox (ELDR, IRL) and Jens-Peter Bonde (EDD, DK).

Source et copyright

Source: Débat des candidats. Bruxelles: Parlement européen, 28/11/2001. Couleur.
Base photo du Parlement européen. [EN LIGNE]. [s.l.]: [09.04.2003]. Disponible sur

Copyright: Photo European Parliament

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Debate between the candidates for the Presidency of the European Parliament (Brussels, 28 November 2001)