Cartoon by Lap on the Chicken War between the United States and the EEC (10 August 1963)

‘I see, Pisani, you’re going to talk to me about the Chicken War again! …’ On 10 August 1963, French cartoonist Lap paints an ironic picture of the Chicken War between the United States and the Member States of the European Economic Community, particularly France. In response to tariffs imposed by the EEC, particularly by France and West Germany, on US poultry imports, the US Government introduced a ‘chicken tax’, a 25 % customs duty on imports of some European products (spirits, lorries, dextrin and potato starch). General de Gaulle (on the left) is becoming increasingly impatient over the negotiations conducted by his Agriculture Minister, Edgar Pisani, to resolve the conflict.

Source et copyright

Source: LAP (Jacques Laplaine). "Je vois, Pisani, vous allez encore me parler de la guerre du poulet !." dans Combat. de la Résistance à la Révolution. Paris: Combat. 10.08.1963.

Copyright: J. Lap (c) Martine Laplaine-Méric

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Cartoon by Lap on the Chicken War between the United States and the EEC (10 August 1963)