Cartoon by Ironimus on the negotiations for Austria's accession to the EC (1990)

‘EC Treaty — State Treaty: Equilibrist’. In 1990, the Austrian cartoonist, Ironimus, illustrates the efforts made by Alois Mock, Austrian Foreign Minister, to reconcile Austria’s neutral status as defined in the 1955 State Treaty with the country’s wish to accede to the European Union.

Source et copyright

Source: Ironimus. Das wahre Österreich, Gezeichnete Zeit von 1955-2005. Wien: Amalthea Signum, 2004. 520 S. ISBN 3-85002-522-5. "Equilibrist", auteur:Ironimus, p. 374.

Copyright: (c) Ironimus

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Cartoon by Ironimus on the negotiations for Austria's accession to the EC (1990)