Cartoon by Hicks on General de Gaulle’s European policy (13 February 1965)

‘The oracle’. On 13 February 1965, taking inspiration from Greek mythology and the abduction of Europa by Zeus (the bull), German cartoonist Wolfgang Hicks illustrates French President de Gaulle’s idea of a united Europe and the role he hopes to play on the European stage. West Germany, represented as the little ‘German Michel’, and the young Europa, kneeling down, listen devotedly to the message of the ‘oracle’, sparking the anger of the bull.

Source et copyright

Source: HICKS, Wolfgang, "Das Orakel" dans Die Welt Unabhängige Tageszeitung. Hamburg: Die Welt. 13.02.1965.

Copyright: (c) Hicks (Karikaturist), Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

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Cartoon by Hicks on General de Gaulle’s European policy (13 February 1965)