Cartoon by Faizant on the common agricultural policy (17 December 1964)

‘And when he begins to walk, he’ll be under our feet all the time!’ On 15 December 1964, the third ‘agricultural marathon’ concludes with the decision to open the common market for some agricultural products on 1 July 1967. For French cartoonist Jacques Faizant, French President Charles de Gaulle is not enthusiastic about the agreement presented by his Agriculture Minister, Edgar Pisani.

Source et copyright

Source: FAIZANT, Jacques. "Et quand il commencera à marcher, on l'aura tout le temps dans les jambes !" dans Paris-Presse-l'Intransigeant. 17.12.1964.

Copyright: (c) Jacques Faizant - Chimulus

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Cartoon by Faizant on the common agricultural policy (17 December 1964)