Cartoon by Benedek on the collapse of the Bretton Woods System (20 August 1971)

'The hour of the Europeans'. For the German cartoonist Gabor Benedek, American President Richard Nixon's decision to suspend the dollar's convertibility into gold is an incentive for the Member States of the European Communities to plan the introduction of a common monetary policy.

Source et copyright

Source: BENEDEK, Gabor. "Stunde der Europäer" dans Süddeutsche Zeitung. Münchner Neueste Nachrichten aus Politik, Kultur, Wirtschaft und Sport. München: Süddeutscher Verlag. 20.08.1971, n° 199, 27.Jg., p.4.

Copyright: (c) Benedek

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Cartoon by Benedek on the collapse of the Bretton Woods System (20 August 1971)