Annual report by the Agency for the Control of Armaments for 1967 (Paris, 1968)

In 1968, the Agency for the Control of Armaments (ACA) of Western European Union (WEU) publishes the report for its twelfth year of controls. Following the withdrawal of French forces from the integrated military command of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) on 1 July 1966, the numbers of French forces maintained under national command for joint defence in the area of Allied Command in Europe have been indicated by France to the North Atlantic Council, which has informed the WEU Council. Control activities have not been affected by the French withdrawal, and the relocation of SHAPE from France to Belgium has not hindered the ACA’s work. On the matter of nuclear weapons, the ACA has not been able to carry out any controls as it receives no information on the nuclear elements of weapons with nuclear capability in the member countries or on the French forces that the state deems to be strategic. The report also notes that the Agency has still not been able to recruit an expert on nuclear issues.

Source et copyright

Source: Union de l'Europe occidentale. Agence pour le contrôle des armements. Rapport de l'activité de l’Agence pendant l’année de contrôle 1967 Paris: [1968]. ACA(67)R. pp.3-5; 12-13; 44-46; 52-57.

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). Western European Union Archives. Armament Bodies. ACA. Agency for the Control of Armaments. Year: 1968, 01/01/1956-31/12/1968. File ACA-003. Volume 1/1.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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