Aníbal Cavaco Silva presents the programme of the Portuguese Presidency (19 December 1991)

At a press conference held on 19 December 1991, the Portuguese Prime Minister, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, presents the first programme of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Communities.

Source et copyright

Source: Lusa - Agência de Notícias de Portugal SA, Rua Doutor João Couto - Lote C, 1500-236 Lisboa.
1991 12 19: Aníbal Cavaco Silva, Primeiro-Ministro português durante a conferência de imprensa para apresentação do Programa da Presidência Portuguesa da CEE. Lisboa: Lusa - Alberto Frias, 19/12/1991. Couleur.

Copyright: (c) LUSA

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Aníbal Cavaco Silva presents the programme of the Portuguese Presidency (19 December 1991)