Address given by Franz Vranitzky on the pursuit of Austria’s European integration policy (Vienna, 14 July 1994)

On 14 July 1994, following the positive outcome of the referendum held on 12 June in Austria on the country’s accession to the European Union, the Austrian Chancellor, Fritz Vranitzky, returns before the Austrian Parliament to answer questions on Austria’s European policy on the signing of the Treaty of Accession in Corfu on 24 June and sets out the Government’s plans with a view to the drafting of a White Paper to define the priority areas of European policy.

Source et copyright

Source: Archiv des Karl von Vogelsang-Instituts, Wien. Bestand ÖVP-Parlamentsklub, Klubsekretär Dr. Helmut Wohnout, Ordner EU-Beitritt.

Copyright: (c) Österreichische Volkspartei

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