Who is Sicco Mansholt? (RTL, 8 April 1972)
Audio extract On 8 April 1972, commenting on the French referendum on the ratification of the Treaty on the accession to the European Communities of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Norway, to be held on 23 April, the RTL editorial team in Paris ponders on the implications of the proposals put forward by Sicco Mansholt, President of the European Commission, for a fundamental reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP).
Source and copyright
Source: Qui est Mansholt? Quel est son plan?- RTL [Prod.], 8 avril 1972. RTL, Paris. - SON (04:03, Montage, Son original).
Photo: Sicco Mansholt. van Milleghem, Karel. Bruxelles: Médiathèque Commission européenne, 1962. Noir et blanc.
Copyright: (c) Archives RTL
Photo: (c) CE / Karel van Milleghem
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