WEU operations on the Danube (1993–1996)
Image Between 1993 and 1996, in the context of the Yugoslav conflict and in coordination with the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Western European Union (WEU) provides police and customs assistance to Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania for the enforcement of United Nations sanctions on the Danube.
Source and copyright
Source: Assemblée de l'UEO, Paris, 43, avenue du président Wilson, 75775 Paris cedex 16. http://www.assembly-weu.org.
La force italienne, Guardia di Finanza, apportant son assistance dans le cadre des opérations de l'UEO en application des sanctions des Nations unies sur le Danube. Assemblée de l'UEO. Couleur.
Copyright: (c) WEU Assembly - Assemblée de l'UEO