‘Victor-Yves Ghebali: The July CSCE Helsinki Decisions — a step in the right direction’ from the NATO Review
Text In an article published in August 1992 in the NATO Review, Victor-Yves Ghebali, Professor at the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales (Graduate Institute of International Studies), Geneva, welcomes the progress made by the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) as a result of the Helsinki Document of July 1992, with particular regard to the strengthening of its institutions, the assigning of operational functions with new powers in the areas of peacekeeping, conflict prevention and disarmament, and the development of activities relating to the human dimension, which are now linked with conflict prevention.
Source and copyright
Source: NATO Review. August 1992, n° 4, Vol. 40. Brussels: NATO.
Copyright: NATO / OTAN