Transcription of the interview with Colin Cameron (Paris, 23 September 2009)

Transcription of the interview with Colin Cameron, Deputy Secretary-General of the Assembly of Western European Union (WEU) — Political and Defence Matters (1993–1998) and Secretary-General of the WEU Assembly from 1998 to 2011, carried out by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) on 23 September 2009 at the headquarters of the WEU Assembly in Paris. The interview was conducted by Cédric Sangaletti, a Scientific Collaborator at the CVCE, and particularly focuses on the following subjects: the role, operation and tasks of the WEU Assembly, relations between the WEU Assembly and other parliamentary assemblies, the military operations led by WEU and the links between the WEU Assembly and the European Union.

Source and copyright

Source: Interview de Colin Cameron / COLIN CAMERON, Cédric Sangaletti, prise de vue : Alexandre Germain.- Paris: CVCE [Prod.], 23.09.2009. CVCE, Sanem. - VIDEO (02:01:26, Couleur, Son original).

Copyright: Transcription CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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