The preparatory work of the Council under the Luxembourg Presidency (2005)
Video This programme, broadcast on 29 May 2005 during the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union, describes the preparatory work of the Council carried out by its working parties and by Coreper before final decisions are taken at ministerial level. The programme includes an interview with Martine Schommer, Permanent Representative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the European Union.
Source and copyright
Source: Émission hebdomadaire télévisée sur la Présidence luxembourgeoise du Conseil de l'Union européenne / MARTINE SCHOMMER, Maurice Molitor.- Bruxelles: Service information et presse [Prod.], 29.05.2005. Service information et presse, Luxembourg. - VIDEO (00:07:47, Couleur, Son original).
Service information et presse du gouvernement luxembourgeois, 33, boulevard Roosevelt, L-2450 Luxembourg.
Copyright: (c) SIP 2005