The Helsinki Process: from the CSCE to the OSCE
Video This video clip presents the origins and development of the Helsinki Process, from the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). It outlines, in particular, the aims of the Conference when it was first established during the Cold War era, its influence as an instrument for détente between East and West and its conversion into an organisation with new tasks following the collapse of the Communist bloc.
Source and copyright
Source: OSCE: FOR HUMAN DIGNITY- Vienna: OSCE [Prod.], 2000. OSCE, Vienna. - VIDEO (00:03:48, Colour, Original Sound Track).
OSCE Press and Public Information Section, Kaerntner Ring 5-7, 1010 Vienna, Austria.
Copyright: (c) OSCE
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