The establishment of the status of WEU Associate Partner (Luxembourg, 9 May 1994)

The Council of Ministers of Western European Union, (WEU), meeting on 9 May 1994 in Luxembourg in the district of Kirchberg, adopts the Kirchberg Declaration which creates the new status of WEU Associate Partner, given to candidate countries to the European Union which do not belong do the Atlantic Alliance (at the time: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia).

Source and copyright

Source: Médiathèque centrale de la Commission européenne, Berlaymont 4/363, 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Bruxelles.
Conseil UEO à Luxembourg- Luxembourg: Commission européenne [Prod.], 09.05.1994. DG Press & Communication, Commission européenne, Bruxelles. - VIDEO (00:07:45, Couleur, Son original).

Copyright: European Commission Audiovisual Library

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