‘The Conference of “Little Europe” defines the agreements on the Common Market’ from Il nuovo Corriere della Sera (20 February 1957)

On 20 February 1957, reporting on the meeting of the Heads of Government of the six Member States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the Italian daily newspaper Il nuovo Corriere della Sera outlines the progress made and the implications of the negotiations under way on the future European Economic Community (EEC) and European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC or Euratom).

Source and copyright

Source: Il nuovo Corriere della Sera. 20.02.1957, n° 44; anno 82. Milano: Corriere della Sera. "La conferenza della "Piccola Europa" definisce gli accordi par il Mercato commune", auteur:Sansa, Giorgio , p. 1.

Copyright: (c) Corriere della Sera

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