State Treaty for the Re-establishment of an Independent and Democratic Austria (Vienna, 15 May 1955)

On 15 May 1955, the State Treaty for the Re-establishment of an Independent and Democratic Austria is signed at Belvedere Palace in Vienna by Julius Raab, Austrian Federal Chancellor, Leopold Figl, Austrian Foreign Minister, Antoine Pinay, French Foreign Minister, Harold Macmillan, British Foreign Secretary, John Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State, Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet Foreign Minister, Ivan Ilichev, Soviet High Commissioner in Austria, Sir Geoffrey Wallinger, British High Commissioner in Austria, Llewellyn Thompson, US High Commissioner in Austria, and Roger Lalouette, French Deputy High Commissioner in Austria.

Source and copyright

Source: Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich. Ausgegeben am 30. Juli 1955; 39. Stück, Nr. 152. Wien. "State Treaty for the Re-establishment of an Independent and Democratic Austria (Vienna, 15 May 1955)", p. 762-779; 803-804.

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